Neuro-arrhythmology: a challenging field of action and research: a review from the Task Force of Neuro-arrhythmology of Italian Association of Arrhythmias and Cardiac Pacing

Scritto il 22/02/2020
da Stefano Strano, Danilo Toni, Fabrizio Ammirati

Stefano Stranoa, Danilo Tonib, Fabrizio Ammiratic, Tommaso Sannad, Marco Tomainoe, Michele Brignolef, Andrea Mazzag, Bich L. Nguyenh, Carlo Di Bonaventurai, Renato P. Riccij and Giuseppe Borianik

There is a growing interest in the study of the mechanisms of heart and brain interactions with the aim to improve the management of high-impact cardiac rhythm disorders, first of all atrial fibrillation. However, there are several topics to which the scientific interests of cardiologists and neurologists converge constituting the basis for enhancing the development of neuro-arrhythmology. This multidisciplinary field should cover a wide spectrum of diseases, even beyond the classical framework corresponding to stroke and atrial fibrillation and include the complex issues of seizures as well as loss of consciousness and syncope. The implications of a more focused interaction between neurologists and cardiologists in the field of neuro-arrhythmology should include in perspective the institution of research networks specifically devoted to investigate ‘from bench to bedside’ the complex pathophysiological links of the abovementioned diseases, with involvement of scientists in the field of biochemistry, genetics, molecular medicine, physiology, pathology and bioengineering. An investment in the field could have important implications in the perspectives of a more personalized approach to patients and diseases, in the context of ‘precision’medicine. Large datasets and electronic medical records, with the approach typical of ‘big data’ could enhance the possibility of new findings with

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Strano S et al, Neuroarrhythmology 2019 Strano S et al, Neuroarrhythmology 2019